import*; import java.util.*; public class SetRangeSum { BufferedReader br; PrintWriter out; StringTokenizer st; boolean eof; long last_sum_result = 0; // Splay tree implementation // Vertex of a splay tree class Vertex { int key; // Sum of all the keys in the subtree - remember to update // it after each operation that changes the tree. long sum; Vertex left; Vertex right; Vertex parent; Vertex(int key, long sum, Vertex left, Vertex right, Vertex parent) { this.key = key; this.sum = sum; this.left = left; this.right = right; this.parent = parent; } } void update(Vertex v) { if (v == null) return; v.sum = v.key + (v.left != null ? v.left.sum : 0) + (v.right != null ? v.right.sum : 0); if (v.left != null) { v.left.parent = v; } if (v.right != null) { v.right.parent = v; } } void smallRotation(Vertex v) { Vertex parent = v.parent; if (parent == null) { return; } Vertex grandparent = v.parent.parent; if (parent.left == v) { Vertex m = v.right; v.right = parent; parent.left = m; } else { Vertex m = v.left; v.left = parent; parent.right = m; } update(parent); update(v); v.parent = grandparent; if (grandparent != null) { if (grandparent.left == parent) { grandparent.left = v; } else { grandparent.right = v; } } } void bigRotation(Vertex v) { if (v.parent.left == v && v.parent.parent.left == v.parent) { // Zig-zig smallRotation(v.parent); smallRotation(v); } else if (v.parent.right == v && v.parent.parent.right == v.parent) { // Zig-zig smallRotation(v.parent); smallRotation(v); } else { // Zig-zag smallRotation(v); smallRotation(v); } } // Makes splay of the given vertex and returns the new root. Vertex splay(Vertex v) { if (v == null) return null; while (v.parent != null) { if (v.parent.parent == null) { smallRotation(v); break; } bigRotation(v); } return v; } class VertexPair { Vertex left; Vertex right; VertexPair() { } VertexPair(Vertex left, Vertex right) { this.left = left; this.right = right; } } // Searches for the given key in the tree with the given root // and calls splay for the deepest visited node after that. // Returns pair of the result and the new root. // If found, result is a pointer to the node with the given key. // Otherwise, result is a pointer to the node with the smallest // bigger key (next value in the order). // If the key is bigger than all keys in the tree, // then result is null. VertexPair find(Vertex root, int key) { Vertex v = root; Vertex last = root; Vertex next = null; while (v != null) { if (v.key >= key && (next == null || v.key < next.key)) { next = v; } last = v; if (v.key == key) { break; } if (v.key < key) { v = v.right; } else { v = v.left; } } root = splay(last); return new VertexPair(next, root); } VertexPair split(Vertex root, int key) { VertexPair result = new VertexPair(); VertexPair findAndRoot = find(root, key); root = findAndRoot.right; result.right = findAndRoot.left; if (result.right == null) { result.left = root; return result; } result.right = splay(result.right); result.left = result.right.left; result.right.left = null; if (result.left != null) { result.left.parent = null; } update(result.left); update(result.right); return result; } Vertex merge(Vertex left, Vertex right) { if (left == null) return right; if (right == null) return left; while (right.left != null) { right = right.left; } right = splay(right); right.left = left; update(right); return right; } // Code that uses splay tree to solve the problem Vertex root = null; void insert(int x) { Vertex left = null; Vertex right = null; Vertex new_vertex = null; VertexPair leftRight = split(root, x); left = leftRight.left; right = leftRight.right; if (right == null || right.key != x) { new_vertex = new Vertex(x, x, null, null, null); } root = merge(merge(left, new_vertex), right); } void erase(int x) { // Implement erase yourself Vertex left = null; Vertex right = null; Vertex new_vertex = null; VertexPair leftRight = split(root, x); left = leftRight.left; right = leftRight.right; if (right == null) return; new_vertex = right.right; root = merge(left, new_vertex); } boolean find(int x) { // Implement find yourself VertexPair vertexPair = find(root, x); if (vertexPair.left == null) return false; if (vertexPair.left.key == x) return true; else return false; } long sum(int from, int to) { VertexPair leftMiddle = split(root, from); Vertex left = leftMiddle.left; Vertex middle = leftMiddle.right; VertexPair middleRight = split(middle, to + 1); middle = middleRight.left; Vertex right = middleRight.right; long ans = 0; if (left != null && left.key >= from && left.key <= to) ans = ans + left.sum; if (middle != null && middle.key >= from && middle.key <= to) ans = ans + middle.sum; if (right != null && right.key >= from && right.key <= to) ans = ans + right.sum; last_sum_result = ans; return ans; } static final int MODULO = 1000000001; void solve() { int n = nextInt(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { char type = nextChar(); switch (type) { case '+': { int x = nextInt(); insert((int) ((x + last_sum_result) % MODULO)); } break; case '-': { int x = nextInt(); erase((int) ((x + last_sum_result) % MODULO)); } break; case '?': { int x = nextInt(); out.println(find((int) ((x + last_sum_result) % MODULO)) ? "Found" : "Not found"); } break; case 's': { int l = nextInt(); int r = nextInt(); long res = sum((int) (l + last_sum_result) % MODULO, (int) (r + last_sum_result) % MODULO); out.println(res); last_sum_result = (res % MODULO); } } } } SetRangeSum() { br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; out = new PrintWriter(System.out); } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { SetRangeSum setRangeSum = new SetRangeSum(); setRangeSum.solve(); setRangeSum.out.close(); } String nextToken() { while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens()) { try { st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine()); } catch (Exception e) { eof = true; return null; } } return st.nextToken(); } int nextInt() { return Integer.parseInt(nextToken()); } char nextChar() { return nextToken().charAt(0); } }