import; import; import; import java.util.*; public class TreeTraversal { static class FastScanner { StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(""); BufferedReader in; FastScanner() { in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; } String next() throws IOException { while (!tok.hasMoreElements()) tok = new StringTokenizer(in.readLine()); return tok.nextToken(); } int nextInt() throws IOException { return Integer.parseInt(next()); } } static class TreeOrders { int n; int[] key, left, right; void read() throws IOException { FastScanner in = new FastScanner(); n = in.nextInt(); key = new int[n]; left = new int[n]; right = new int[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { key[i] = in.nextInt(); left[i] = in.nextInt(); right[i] = in.nextInt(); } } List inOrder() { Stack keyIndexStack = new Stack<>(); ArrayList result = new ArrayList<>(); // Finish the implementation // You may need to add a new recursive method to do that boolean walkLeft = true; int currentIndex = 0; keyIndexStack.push(currentIndex); while (!keyIndexStack.empty() || right[currentIndex] != -1) { if (walkLeft) { if (left[currentIndex] != -1) { currentIndex = left[currentIndex]; keyIndexStack.push(currentIndex); } else { result.add(key[keyIndexStack.pop()]); walkLeft = false; } } else { if (right[currentIndex] != -1) { currentIndex = right[currentIndex]; keyIndexStack.push(currentIndex); walkLeft = true; } else { if (!keyIndexStack.empty()) { currentIndex = keyIndexStack.pop(); result.add(key[currentIndex]); } } } } return result; } List preOrder() { Stack keyIndexStack = new Stack<>(); Queue keyIndexQueue = new LinkedList<>(); ArrayList result = new ArrayList<>(); // Finish the implementation // You may need to add a new recursive method to do that boolean walkLeft = true; int currentIndex = 0; keyIndexStack.push(currentIndex); keyIndexQueue.add(currentIndex); while (!keyIndexStack.empty() || right[currentIndex] != -1) { if (walkLeft) { if (left[currentIndex] != -1) { currentIndex = left[currentIndex]; keyIndexQueue.add(currentIndex); keyIndexStack.push(currentIndex); } else { keyIndexStack.pop(); walkLeft = false; result.add(key[keyIndexQueue.remove()]); } } else { if (right[currentIndex] != -1) { currentIndex = right[currentIndex]; keyIndexQueue.add(currentIndex); keyIndexStack.push(currentIndex); walkLeft = true; } else { if (!keyIndexStack.empty()) { currentIndex = keyIndexStack.pop(); result.add(key[keyIndexQueue.remove()]); } } } } return result; } List postOrder() { Stack keyIndexStack = new Stack<>(); HashSet peekedSet = new HashSet<>(); ArrayList result = new ArrayList<>(); // ArrayList bothSidesHaveBeenChecked = new ArrayList<>(); // Finish the implementation // You may need to add a new recursive method to do that boolean walkLeft = true; int currentIndex = 0; keyIndexStack.push(currentIndex); // while (!keyIndexStack.empty() || right[currentIndex] != -1) { while (!keyIndexStack.empty()) { if (peekedSet.contains(currentIndex)) { result.add(key[currentIndex]); peekedSet.remove(currentIndex); keyIndexStack.pop(); if (keyIndexStack.empty()) break; currentIndex = keyIndexStack.peek(); continue; } if (walkLeft) { if (left[currentIndex] != -1) { currentIndex = left[currentIndex]; keyIndexStack.push(currentIndex); } else { if (right[currentIndex] == -1) { result.add(key[currentIndex]); walkLeft = false; keyIndexStack.pop(); currentIndex = keyIndexStack.peek(); } else { peekedSet.add(currentIndex); currentIndex = right[currentIndex]; keyIndexStack.push(currentIndex); } } } else { if (right[currentIndex] != -1) { peekedSet.add(currentIndex); currentIndex = right[currentIndex]; keyIndexStack.push(currentIndex); walkLeft = true; } else { result.add(key[currentIndex]); int i = keyIndexStack.pop(); if (i != currentIndex) result.add(key[i]); if (keyIndexStack.empty()) break; currentIndex = keyIndexStack.peek(); } } } return result; } } static public void main(String[] args) throws IOException { new Thread(null, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { new TreeTraversal().run(); } catch (IOException ignored) { } } }, "1", 1 << 26).start(); } private void print(List x) { for (Integer a : x) { System.out.print(a + " "); } System.out.println(); } private void run() throws IOException { TreeOrders tree = new TreeOrders();; print(tree.inOrder()); print(tree.preOrder()); print(tree.postOrder()); } }