# Uses python3 def check_bracket(exp): char_stack = [] unmatched_opening_bracket = 0 count = 0 brackets = ['[', ']', '(', ')', '{', '}'] for i in range(len(exp)): c = exp[i] if c not in brackets: count = count + 1 continue if c == '[' or c == '(' or c == '{': char_stack.append(c) count = count + 1 unmatched_opening_bracket = count else: if len(char_stack) == 0: return i + 1 top = char_stack[-1] del (char_stack[-1]) if (top == '[' and c != ']') or (top == '(' and c != ')') or (top == '{' and c != '}'): return i + 1 else: unmatched_opening_bracket = unmatched_opening_bracket - 1 count = count + 1 if len(char_stack) == 0: return "Success" else: if unmatched_opening_bracket > 0: return unmatched_opening_bracket return count exp = input() print(check_bracket(exp))