path: root/c2prj1_cards/README
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authorHaidong Ji2022-04-15 15:51:30 -0500
committerHaidong Ji2022-04-15 15:51:30 -0500
commit442a49ad5a48d417345959b903ae6a6d32d55759 (patch)
treec7127bb497e5e439018b1915e0136eec2c9cb124 /c2prj1_cards/README
Great C programming funHEADmaster
Excellent fundamentals and displine training, many tools and techniques exercises: gdb, emacs, valgrind, git
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1 files changed, 179 insertions, 0 deletions
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+At the end of each course, you will be working on building
+a program that estimates the chances of each hand
+winning in poker in a situation described by an input file.
+In this portion of the project, you are going write some
+functions that work with cards (specifically, a struct
+that represents a card): printing them
+in human-readable format, converting the pair of letters
+that describe a card back into a struct (which gets
+used to read the input from a file), etc.
+There is a lot that will be required to complete
+the project that you will learn in the later
+courses (e.g., arrays, strings, dynamic memory allocation,
+file IO). To make it so you can still run the poker
+simulation when you complete this project, we have provided
+object files (.o) for the later parts. The included
+Makefile will build your cards.c with our .o files
+if you do:
+make poker
+You'll write all these parts later on, when you
+finish Courses 3 and 4 and have learned the
+corresponding concepts.
+In the meantime, you can test your functions
+for this assignment by writing any code you
+want in my-test-main.c. If you do "make"
+(or "make test") then the included Makefile
+will build this and link it with your cards.o
+(compiling that if needed).
+To get started, take a look at cards.h.
+You will see that it starts by defining
+an enum suits (SPADES, HEARTS, DIAMONDS,
+and CLUBS). This enum also has NUM_SUITS,
+which will have a numeric value of 4 (indicating
+how many suits there are), and can also
+be used to indicate an invalid suit.
+Next, you will see a struct for a card.
+This struct has two parts, a value
+(2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,J,Q,K,A) and a suit (s,h,d,c).
+Following the struct declaration, there
+are some #defines for constants for
+the values of Ace, King, Queen, and Jack.
+Accordingly, a card's value should
+be between 2 and 14 (inclusive).
+There is also an enum for the hand
+ranking (what kind of poker hand you get).
+We won't be doing anything with these
+at this point, except for writing a function
+to convert from the enumerated values
+to a string.
+Last are some function prototypes.
+You will write each of these in cards.c.
+Now go into cards.c, and write each of these
+functions. Here are the specifics:
+- void assert_card_valid(card_t c);
+ This function should use assert() to check
+ that the card passed in has valid values.
+ In particular, its value should be between
+ 2 and VALUE_ACE (inclusive of both),
+ and its suit should be between SPADES
+ and CLUBS (inclusive of both).
+- const char * ranking_to_string(hand_ranking_t r);
+ This function should convert the
+ hand_ranking_t enumerated value passed
+ in to a string that describes it. Remember
+ that Drew showed you a nice way to do this
+ with emacs keyboard macros!
+- char value_letter(card_t c);
+ This function should return the character that textually represents
+ the value of the passed-in card. For values 2-9, this should
+ be that digit. For 10, it should be '0', and for Jack, Queen, King, and Ace,
+ it should be 'J', 'Q', 'K', and 'A' respectively.
+ Hint: remember everything is a number.
+ For example, the character '0' has the decimal value 48,
+ and the character '5' has the decimal value 53, so you could represent
+ '5' as '0' + 5.
+- char suit_letter(card_t c);
+ This function should return the letter that textually represents
+ the suit of the card passed in ('s', 'h', 'd', or 'c' for SPADES,
+- void print_card(card_t c);
+ This function should print out the textual
+ representation of the card (hint: use the functions
+ you previously wrote). It should print
+ the value first, then the suit. For example,
+ As (for Ace of spades)
+ 0d (for 10 of diamonds)
+ Kc (for King of clubs) etc.
+ This function should not print any additional
+ spaces or newlines after the card's text.
+- card_t card_from_letters(char value_let, char suit_let);
+ This function should make and return a
+ card_t whose value and suit correspond
+ to the letters passed in. If the values passed
+ in are invalid, you should use assert()
+ or print an error message and exit(EXIT_FAILURE).
+- card_t card_from_num(unsigned c);
+ This function should take a number from 0 (inclusive)
+ to 52 (exclusive) and map it uniquely to
+ a card value/suit combination. Exactly
+ how you map the numbers to values/suits
+ is up to you, but you must guarantee
+ that each valid value/suit combination
+ corresponds to exactly one input value
+ in the range [0,52). Hint: you may want to use the mod
+ operator % to find the remainder of a number divided by 13.
+ (In Course 3, this function will be used
+ to make a deck of cards by iterating
+ over that range and calling it once
+ for each value--you just need
+ to learn about arrays first so you
+ have a place to put all those
+ cards.)
+Once you have done all of these (and tested
+them to your satisfaction with my-test-main.c),
+you can
+make poker
+and try out the poker odds computation. It
+requires one command line argument--the input file to read.
+In the input file,
+each line corresponds to one hand and lists
+the cards (with textual representation
+you were working with above). It also
+has placeholders for future cards, which
+are a ? followed by a number. For example,
+this input:
+As Ah Kc Qd 6c ?0 ?1
+2c 3d Kc Qd 6c ?0 ?1
+Ks Qs Kc Qd 6c ?0 ?1
+describes 3 hands (as might occur
+in a game of Texas Hold'em). All
+three hands share the King of clubs,
+the Queen of diamonds, and the 6
+of clubs (called the "flop"
+in Texas Hold'em--these are the
+3rd, 4th, and 5th cards). Each
+hand has its own private cards
+to start (the first has the
+Ace of Spades and the Ace of Hearts,
+for example).
+The remainder of the hand will be
+played by dealing two more cards
+(?0 and ?1), which will be shared
+by the three hands.
+You could also craft an input
+where each player's cards are private
+(no cards shared), such as this:
+As Kh ?0 ?1 ?2
+Ac Kc ?3 ?4 ?5
+Ad Ah ?6 ?7 ?8
+9 cards remain in the future (?0
+through ?8), each appearing exactly
+once in one hand.