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+Hand Evaluation
+The other part of the project that you will do in this
+course is write some of the code to evaluate and compare hands.
+Remember that in Course 2 you already wrote test cases
+for this code. That means you have already thought
+about various corner cases that might come up
+and will have a nice suite of tests ready to go
+when you finish your code.
+Your ultimate goal in this step is to write a function,
+which when passed two hands of cards, determines
+which one won (or if they tied). We'll use the
+deck_t type that you worked with in the previous
+part to represent a hand of cards as well (a hand
+of cards is just a much smaller deck of cards---they
+are both just sets of cards).
+There are three major steps to determining who won:
+ (1) Figuring out what ranking each hand has (straight, flush, etc)
+ If you look in cards.h, you will see enum hand_ranking_t,
+ which you worked with in Course 2.
+ (2) Figuring out which 5 cards make up the hand (picking out
+ the 5 cards that made the flush, or the two pairs and tiebreaker)
+ (3) Comparing the rankings, and if they are the same, breaking
+ ties by comparing the values in the hands.
+At this point, you might be thinking that there is going to
+be a lot of code to write with all the different possible
+arrangements of cards and different possible hand rankings.
+However, there are a few important things that will make
+this managable:
+(1) You will start by sorting the cards into descending order
+ by value. This makes it much easier to find straights (cards
+ in order), and you will have "N of a kind"s grouped together.
+(2) The code to find "N of a kind" is basically the same
+ for 4, 3, and 2 (so we can abstract it out into a function...)
+(3) Full house and two pair are just three of a kind and a pair
+ (so we already have that code...) with another pair
+ (so we can just write a function to find a secondary pair)
+(4) We are going to make two simplifying assumptions:
+ - if there is a flush, it will occur in at most one suit.
+ (i.e., you won't have As Ah Kh Qs 8s 7h 4s 3s 3h 2h,
+ which has two different flushes).
+ - if there is an ace-high straight, there is not also
+ an ace-low straight.
+ (These both hold for all major poker variants)
+If you open up eval.c, you will find the following functions
+that you will need to write:
+ - int card_ptr_comp(const void * vp1, const void * vp2)
+ You want to sort the hand by value, so you need
+ a comparison function to pass to quicksort.
+ Quicksort sorts into ascending order, but you
+ want descending order, so you will want to
+ return
+ something < 0 if card1 > card2
+ 0 if card1 == card2
+ something > 0 if card1 < card2
+ If two cards have the same value, compare them by
+ suit in the same order as the enum suit_t:
+ club < diamond < heart < spade
+ Note that vp1 and vp2 are passed as const void *
+ because that is the type that qsort demands.
+ They will should each be assigned to variables
+ of type
+ const card_t * const * cp1
+ before using them (this is much like sorting
+ an array of strings from your readings).
+ To learn more about using the C library function qsort,
+ we suggest reviewing the course reading
+ "Sorting Functions" in the "Function Pointers"
+ lesson and consulting "man qsort"
+ to read about the comparison function.
+ - suit_t flush_suit(deck_t * hand);
+ This function looks at the hand and determines
+ if a flush (at least 5 cards of one suit) exists.
+ If so, it returns the suit of the cards comprising
+ the flush. If not, it returns NUM_SUITS.
+ For example:
+ Given Ks Qs 0s 9h 8s 7s, it would return SPADES.
+ Given Kd Qd 0s 9h 8c 7c, it would return NUM_SUITS.
+ - unsigned get_largest_element(unsigned * arr, size_t n);
+ This function returns the largest element in an array
+ of unsigned integers. This should be familiar
+ from the videos you watched.
+ In course 4 (after you learn to dynamically allocate
+ memory), you will write get_match_counts,
+ which will construct an array with one element
+ per card in the hand. That array will
+ tell you how many cards in the hand
+ have the same value as the corresponding
+ card. You will then use get_largest_element
+ to figure out which is the best "N of a kind".
+ - size_t get_match_index(unsigned * match_counts, size_t n,unsigned n_of_akind);
+ This function returns the index in the array (match_counts) whose
+ value is n_of_akind. The array has n elements. The array match_counts
+ may have multiple values equal to n_of_akind. You should return
+ the LOWEST index whose value is n_of_akind [which also guarantees
+ it corresponds to the largest valued cards, since they will be sorted].
+ (Once you figure out the best n_of_akind above,
+ you will use this to locate that group of cards
+ in the hand).
+ Note that it is guaranteed that n_of_akind is in match_counts.
+ If not, you should abort as this is evidence of an error.
+ - size_t find_secondary_pair(deck_t * hand,
+ unsigned * match_counts,
+ size_t match_idx) ;
+ When you have a hand with 3 of a kind or a pair,
+ you will want to look and see if there is another
+ pair to make the hand into a full house or
+ or two pairs. This function takes in
+ the hand, the match counts from before, and
+ the index where the original match (3 of a kind
+ or pair) was found. It should find
+ the index of a card meeting the following conditions:
+ - Its match count is > 1 [so there is at least a pair of them]
+ - The card's value is not the same as the value of the
+ card at match_idx (so it is not part of the original
+ three of a kind/pair)
+ - It is the lowest index meeting the first two conditions
+ (which will be the start of that pair, and the highest
+ value pair other than the original match).
+ If no such index can be found, this function should
+ return -1.
+ - int is_straight_at(deck_t * hand, size_t index, suit_t fs)
+ This function should determine if there is a straight
+ starting at index (and only starting at index) in the
+ given hand. If fs is NUM_SUITS, then it should look
+ for any straight. If fs is some other value, then
+ it should look for a straight flush in the specified suit.
+ This function should return:
+ -1 if an Ace-low straight was found at that index (and that index is the Ace)
+ 0 if no straight was found at that index
+ 1 if any other straight was found at that index
+ When writing this function, you can assume
+ that the hand is sorted by value: the
+ values of cards will appear in descending order.
+ (A K Q ... 4 3 2).
+ There are two things that make this function
+ tricky (probably the trickiest function in
+ this assignment):
+ (1) Ace low straights. An Ace low straight
+ will appear in the hand with the Ace
+ first, then possibly some other cards,
+ then the 5 4 3 2. For example, you
+ might have
+ As Ks Qc 5s 4c 3d 2c
+ (2) You may have multiple cards with the
+ same value, but still have a straight:
+ As Ac Ks Kc Qh Jh 0d
+ has a straight even though A K Q
+ do not appear next to each other in
+ our sorted order.
+ Hint: I made this easier on myself, by writing
+ two helper functions:
+ int is_n_length_straight_at(deck_t * hand, size_t index, suit_t fs, int n) ;
+ and
+ int is_ace_low_straight_at(deck_t * hand, size_t index, suit_t fs);
+ The second of these lets me pull out the complexities of an ace
+ low straight. However, in doing so, I realized that there
+ would be a lot of duplication of code between the ace low straight
+ helper and the original function (for an ace low, you want to find
+ a 5, then a straight of length 4: 5, 4, 3, 2). This realization
+ caused me to pull out much of the code into is_n_length_straight_at,
+ so that I could call it with n=4 to search for the 5,4,3,2 part
+ of an ace low straight.
+ - hand_eval_t build_hand_from_match(deck_t * hand,
+ unsigned n,
+ hand_ranking_t what,
+ size_t idx) ;
+ Now you have written a bunch of functions that
+ will figure out which ranking a hand has. It
+ is time to construct a hand_eval_t (see eval.h) which
+ has the ranking and the 5 cards used for it.
+ This helper function will handle the
+ "n of a kind" case.
+ It should make hand_eval_t and set its
+ ranking to the passed in "what" value.
+ Then it should copy "n" cards from
+ the hand, starting at "idx" into
+ the first "n" elements of the hand_eval_t's
+ "cards" array. The cards field in
+ hand_eval_t is declared as:
+ card_t * cards[5]
+ This is an array of pointers, each to a card_t.
+ Draw a picture to be sure you know how to name
+ each card_t "box" before you start writing code.
+ Your function should then fill the remainder
+ of the "cards" array with the highest-value
+ cards from the hand which were not in
+ the "n of a kind".
+ For example, given this hand:
+ As Kc Kh Kd Qc 8s 5d
+ The hand has 3 kings, and the As and Qc will break ties.
+ Note that here n = 3, what= THREE_OF_A_KIND, idx= 1.
+ So the cards array in the hand_eval_t should have
+ Kc Kh Kd As Qc
+ Note that what may also be FULL_HOUSE or TWO_PAIR,
+ since this function will get used for the first
+ part of preparing those evaluations (then other code
+ will later fix the rest of the hand with the other pair).
+ - int compare_hands(deck_t * hand1, deck_t * hand2)
+ This is the goal of the whole thing: given two hands,
+ figure out which wins (or if it is a tie).
+ Everything you wrote goes together to make this work!
+ We're providing you with
+ hand_eval_t evaluate_hand(deck_t * hand) ;
+ since it involves some things you won't learn until
+ Course 4. It's also not super interesting:
+ it mostly make a bunch of calls to the functions
+ you wrote above, and has a lot of if-statements
+ to handle the rules of poker.
+ The important part of evaluate_hand is that
+ (a) assumes the cards in the passed in hand are
+ sorted and (b) it returns a hand_eval_t for the passed in hand.
+ That means that to implement compare_hands, you should
+ (a) sort each hand using qsort on the hand's cards
+ and your card_ptr_comp [from earlier]
+ (b) Call evaluate_hand on each hand, which gives you a hand_eval_t
+ for each hand.
+ (c) Check if the rankings in the hand_eval_t are the same
+ or different. If they are different, you can just use
+ the ranking to determine the winner.
+ (d) If they are the same, then you need to look
+ at the values in the cards array of each hand_eval_t
+ to break the tie. The way that we constructed
+ the hand_eval_t's cards array means that
+ the cards are already ordered from most significant (at index 0)
+ to least significant (at index 4). You can just
+ do a lexicographic comparison on the values in the arrays.
+ (Its like comparing strings, but you are comparing values
+ of cards---if element 0 is the different, use that difference
+ to determine your answer. If element 0 is the same,
+ look at element 1, and so on).
+Note that compare hands should return a positive number
+if hand 1 is better, 0 if the hands tie, and a negative number
+if hand 2 is better.
+You will also notice some functions at the bottom of eval.c that
+we provided. You don't need to do anything to these---we wrote
+them for you to keep the amount of code manageable.
+That sure was a lot of code! You've been compiling and testing
+along the way, right? We sure hope so :)
+However, to help you test things out even more, we've
+provided some test infrastructure for you.
+If you do
+You will compile the test-eval program you are
+familiar with from Course 2. This program behaves
+exactly like it did in Course 2. As a reminder,
+it expects input where each line looks like:
+hand1 ; hand2
+where a hand looks like something that print_hand
+would output. So a valid input might be
+Kc Ac Jh 8s 9c 2s ; Ah Kh 0s 7c 7h 3c
+For each line in the input, the test program
+will tell you:
+ - The results of your functions that went into evaluating it
+ (if there was a straight, if there was a flush, etc).
+ - What hand_eval_t was returned by evaluate_hand for each hand
+ - Which hand won (or if it was a tie) according to compare_hands
+Good thing you have all those test cases from Course 2
+to use with it!
+Because you have an object file test-eval.o and not the source
+test-eval.c, you may need to use the debugger differently than you're
+used to. For this test program, we recommend running gdb in emacs,
+then first, specifying the command line argument (in this case, a file
+name with your tests)
+set args tests.txt
+Then you will want to set a breakpoint in the code you wrote (since
+you can't see test-eval.c, where main is, to step through it). For
+example, if you just wrote the function is_straight_at, and it doesn't
+behave the way you expect, you can do
+break is_straight_at
+and gdb will pause execution any time the program calls that
+function. Then you can use the command "run" instead of "start," since
+you don't need to pause execution at the start of main. Also recall
+the command "continue," which you can review from the debugging
+As usual, when you are finished, use the "grade" command.
+When you pass, this, congratulations! You are done
+with Course 3 and ready to move on to Course 4 :)